
Landing page teardown: Envoy w/ Pedro Cortes

Published on Jul 10, 2022

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A company who changes their positioning to align to a major crisis like Coronavirus is doing well. But does Envoy's landing page go far enough?

I've often looked at Envoy's landing pages for inspiration. Their most recent one shows how they've adapted their positioning to the coronavirus pandemic.

In this video, I''m joined by Pedro Cortes. Pedro's a consultant who helps SaaS Companies convert more visitors into customers through better messaging and positioning. In this teardown we see how a great hero can set you up for conversion, but a poor narrative can break you down.

What do we cover in this video?

0:00 Introduction to Pedro Cortes

0:55 What is Envoy?

1:50 How did Envoy pivot their messaging in response to coronavirus

2:00 Why the Envoy landing page doesn't go far enough on its message

4:20 The disconnect between strong value and weak value as Envoy's landing page scrolls

5:12 Why Envoy should weave their narrative in more intentionally

Quick caveat before I go on:Never use charisma as a way to coerce others or make them feel small. Instead, build eachother up!

Quick caveat before I go on:Never use charisma as a way to coerce others or make them feel small. Instead, build eachother up!

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